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Thursday, April 10 2014

I am thankful that early in my relationship with Jesus, HE placed great emphasis on the importance of being in the will of God personally.  A portion of scripture that grabbed my attention and caused me to allow God to shepherd my entire life is found in Psalm 139:13-17

“For you created my innermost being; and knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful; That I know full well. My frame was not hidden from YOU when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; ALL THE DAYS ORDAINED FOR ME WERE WRITTEN IN YOUR BOOK BEFORE ONE OF THEM CAME TO BE. How precious to me are your thoughts O’ God.”

I imagine the book sitting on God’s shelf in heaven solely about the life of Jeneen Bullen Kohler.  All of my days are recorded in it.  It is my life’s mission NOT to miss fulfilling a single day.  Therefore, I place high priority on seeking God’s direction and submitting to His plan and course of action for my life.

Recently, I was given the “invitation” to minister in South Africa.  It came from a dear mentor and friend of mine, whom I highly respect. I have traveled to South Africa several times and have many dear friends there.  These people are like second family to me.  Surely God wanted me to walk through this open door? Feeling important, I jumped at the opportunity and immediately began making plans to travel in August.

I had no longer accepted the invitation, when I heard a still small voice within saying, “You didn’t ask ME if I wanted you to go to South Africa?”

My heart sank!

In my own reasoning and desire, I wanted to go!  I didn’t want to hurt my friend who had graciously extended this invitation to me.  I kept thinking of all the women I could refresh and impact.  EVERYTHING SEEMED FINE AND PROFITABLE FOR THE KINGDOM.

Humbly, I decided to make the invitation a matter of prayer.  I presented my case for going to the Lord, giving Him every reason Why I thought this was a good idea.  He spoke very clearly to me…

”Jeneen, you are welcome to travel to South Africa, but I will not be going with you.” 

Suddenly, I realized that I could spend thousands of dollars and much time traveling, standing on stages, trying to impact many people, but choosing this route meant that I would be riding solo, without the anointing and presence of God.

Without Him there is no impact.  Without Him, transformation is no longer possible.  Without Him, I am only a shell.

I learned through listening to the heart of God that He has others plans for me right now.  He has commissioned me to focus on writing my first book.  He also revealed His plans for me to conduct a women’s event right here in my own city this year. 

In the daily grind, we find ourselves BUSY, but what are we BUSY with?  Are we BUSY with our own plans, agendas, and schedules or are we BUSY fulfilling God’s plan for our lives?  Our own self-made plans may seem fulfilling at the time, but what better plans might we be forfeiting? You, too, have a book in heaven with your name on it.  Have you recently opened it, in the spirit, that the contents of it's pages might be revealed?

Seeking God’s will requires us to separate the desires of man from the desires of the spirit.  Discernment is key. Every good idea is NOT always a God idea.  It does not mean there is anything necessarily wrong with the idea.  It may simply not be God’s plan at the time. 

So,why are you doing what you do?

Are you riding solo or are you right in the middle of HIS plan?

Posted by: Jeneen AT 12:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 13 2014


“If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him”

Steve and I will be married twenty-six years in September. He does not have to question whether I love him. My devotion to him has proven my love.  I married Steve when I was only seventeen years old.  We were so broke that the only way we were able to go on our honeymoon was by funding it through the money we graciously received at our reception.  Talk about last minute!  We were simply HOPING.  We drove halfway to Myrtle Beach and stopped at the Cricket Inn to spend our first night of forever together.  How romantic is that?  The Cricket Inn!  Yet, it was romantic to us and we devoted ourselves to one another in that place.  Steve still carried the receipt from that night at the Cricket Inn in his wallet until a few years ago when it became unrecognizable.

That was before the days of Steve being named a vice-president of a very large national construction company. Before the days of him being a wise man.  Oh, that was sixteen moves ago...before I followed Steve to six different states and lived in a fifth-wheel camper for eleven months while also homeschooling our kids.  Long before the days of extravagant gifts, dream vacations, and beautiful homes.  

You see, before any of the reigning, there was a season to suffer.  A season of proving my devotion to Steve, while having little to our name.  A season of following him through blind faith.  A season of submitting to his plan simply because I loved him.  Encouraging him through times when he lacked the confidence needed to go to the next level.  Standing with him through the tough days, on my knees in prayer.  Creating a safe place of refuge for him to come home to day after day.  Extravagantly pouring out love and respect upon him, choosing to build him up instead of tearing him down.

Through growth and spiritual maturity, Steve now reigns as a King and I stand beside him as his Queen.  There is not one thing my husband will not do for me.  Not one thing he begrudges me to have, when it is in the power of his hands to provide it for me.  He lives by this statement: “My love for my wife is a reflection of my love and devotion to Christ.”  

Steve is for me all the greatest fan.  He sends me all around the world to do what I love...being a refresher to others.  

God is looking for this type of devotion from His children.  So often, we want the gifts and benefits from God before the suffering and devotion.  But, God is looking for hearts that truly belong to Him, not simply saying we belong to Him through lip service.  Have you followed Christ through blind faith, allowing Him to lead and guide your every step?  Have you created a place of intimacy for Him to come and dwell?  Have you loved him and devoted your life to Him before He gives you anything?  Do you serve him with joy and gladness while living in “the camper” just as you will when He provides the mansion?  Devotion is the giving of one’s self fully and wholly to another.  It is unconditional.  It remains through the good and the bad.

Your life, at this moment, may not be all that you desire it to be.  Perhaps this is a season of testing and suffering for you, but your faithful devotion to Christ will lead you to your destiny.  When you stand in the field of true joy and prosperity, just remember there was no other way to arrive here than through seasons of suffering that reveal our complete devotion to GOD.

 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord.  Trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass.” - Psalm 37:4-5

Posted by: Jeneen AT 12:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  4 Comments  |  Email
Friday, February 28 2014

Refreshed and Restored by Jeneen Kohler’s deep-seated words.  It was a night I’ll not soon forget; a night of words so moving and majestic that I did not want to end.  Undoubtedly anointed, I can describe it best by saying I felt like I’d just had my soul massaged.

On a crisp, southern October evening, in a town where High School football still rules Friday nights and in a time when an Almighty God Refreshed and Restored by Jeneen Kohler’s deep-seated words.  It was a night I’ll not soon forget; a night of words so moving and majestic that I did not want to end.  Undoubtedly anointed, I can describe it best by saying I felt like I’d just had my soul massaged.
On a crisp, southern October evening, in a town where High School football still rules Friday nights and in a time when an Almighty God is often handed leftovers, Mrs. Kohler served up a warm reminder that what is referred to as the “Fatherless Generation” can be renewed and resurrected.  “You don’t have to remain hopeless”, says Jeneen, as she reminds us of the power we - ourselves have been given to speak into our own situations.   If a sigh of relief is what you need but seems impossible, her message is for you.  Movers and shakers are being birthed by her mission as she authoritatively reaches up and pulls down those blessings God is waiting to impart.  Glory to God for his infinite plans and divine interruptions.  Will you be blessed beyond measure by what she shares?  A resounding Yes!  Will you Ever be the same?  No beloved, you will not want to be.    Staci B.

handed  leftovers;   Ms. Kohler served up a warm reminder that what is referred to as the “Fatherless Generation” can be renewed and resurrected.  “You don’t have to remain hopeless”, says Jeneen, as she reminds us of the power we- ourselves have been given to speak into our own situations.   If a sigh of relief is what you need but seems impossible, her message is for you.  Movers and shakers are being birthed by her mission as she authoritatively reaches up and pulls down those blessings God is waiting to impart.  Glory to God for his infinite plans and divine interruptions.  Will you be blessed beyond measure by what she shares?  A resounding Yes!  Will you Ever be the same?  No beloved, you will not want to be.   

                          Staci Bergeron

Posted by: Jeneen AT 08:30 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Friday, February 14 2014

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.”

Proverbs 31:25

Her smile is contagious!  The kind of smile that immediately causes you to stop and take notice. She diligently instructs the Barbell Class I attend at the gym week after week.  However, it is not her physical strength which draws me to her.

The tragic circumstances she had recently endured were not evident in her appearance.  It had been a little more than a year since Regina suffered the sudden and unimaginable loss of her dear husband, Edward.  She lost her helpmate and their two children, Eden and Edward Jr., lost their daddy. 

Edward, who had a fear of water, set out to conquer his anxiety by training in the open waters of Joe Pool Lake on August 20, 2012.  With several completed triathlons behind him, he was hoping to make better on his time in the swimming division of the up and coming Half Iron Man Triathlon. Changing his clothes and rushing out the door, he lovingly took time to kiss Regina and promised, as he had so many times before, to return in a couple hours for dinner.

As the evening passed with no sign or word from Edward, Regina anxiously began to worry. This sort of behavior was not typical of her husband.  He was never late - at least not without a phone call explaining why and when he planned to be home.   Call after call went straight to his voicemail.  So Regina went looking.   Racing to the boat ramp at Lynn Creek Park, a disturbing feeling came over Regina as she noticed Edward’s car parked right where he had left it.  His towel still folded and laying on the front seat, awaiting his return from the water.  Edward, who was forty-five years old and in excellent physical condition was missing and everything suddenly changed for Regina.

A two-day search and the watch on his wrist revealed that Edward had accidentally been tangled in some hydrilla and drowned only twelve minutes into his training. They would have been married eight years.

Can one ever really understand why such things occur?  Why Edward?  Why Me?  Why Now?  Circumstances like these often conjure up an endless stream of unanswered questions, coupled with anger, resentment and fear. The death of Edward left Regina a widow with two small children, ages four and fifteen months. 

Posted by: Jeneen AT 09:26 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Wednesday, January 22 2014


It's a beautiful thing!  

I was reminded of the necessity of contentment today through a conversation with my son.  Many are awaiting personal shifts in the seasons of life right now.  Waiting on God to make good on His promises.

Often, year after year, our patience wears thin, leading to bouts of complaining, attitudes of unthankfulness and endless searches for immediate gratification.  We research the latest trends and abruptly decide we need new decor for the house or perhaps even a new house, new clothes for our self-esteem, a career change, or possibly just an amazing last minute deal on a trip that whisks us away from our mundane routines...

Whatever you might be feeling, Zig Ziglar writes,

“The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want NOW!

1 Timothy 6:6 declares that “godliness WITH contentment is great gain.”

That means that godliness and contentment are a congruous pair.  To truly walk with God, one must surrender and allow His beautiful Spirit to morph us into godliness.  As believers, we trust Him with our paths and our futures, yielding our days to His timing. Assuredly, many can testify to having allowed this process to be at work in their lives, but fewer have understood the role that contentment plays in the journey.

Contentment says, “Though I thank you for what lies ahead, I am at peace HERE.” 

It is the calming assurance that our best is yet to come, while gently reminding us to breathe in the value of HERE.

HERE is a test. 

HERE has purpose.

When HERE ceases to have purpose, then God will move you THERE! 

And,THERE will not present itself without the attitude of contentment.  Cultivating a lifestyle of contentment will position you for promotion.

When was the last time you took inventory of your blessings instead of your wants and desires.  I would venture to believe that if asked, we could all quickly recite the many things we are currently waiting for and would certainly like to witness come to pass, but just for today let us not think on those things.  Let us BE STILL and find a place of quietness with the Lord to simply say THANK YOU for all that you have given me.  THANK YOU for your presence in my life.  THANK YOU for my health, safety and provision.  THANK YOU for teaching me.  THANK YOU for the place called HERE!

Posted by: Jeneen AT 03:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  5 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, January 09 2014

Created In His Image

Genesis 1:27

We begin 2014 with a greater hunger for God and His power.  Realizing this is not going to happen without any effort on our part, we commit to taking time in the evenings to come together, as a family, for the purpose of reading the Bible and prayer.

I must admit God brought me to my knees the first evening we sat down together.  I consider myself a loving individual.  Through the overwhelming forgiveness I have personally received from the Lord, I like to think that I have become a more merciful person as well.  As I look back over my life, I can see that I have always been drawn to the less-fortunate, the “underdogs,” those who live underprivileged lives at no choice of their own.  Oh, how I enjoy giving to these individuals and watching their faces light up as they realize that SOMEONE really does care about their seemingly unimportant lives.

This year God is speaking a new life-lesson to me.  EVERYONE has been created in the image of God.  Our Triune God gave special attention to create every person in our spheres of influence, including those surrounding us in social media and the entertainment world!  I don’t know about you but for some I just do not have the patience nor the tolerance!  

I look at their riotous lifestyles, despise their choices and before long find myself repulsed by these individuals instead of seeing them as God sees them.  Do not misunderstand me.  I wish them no harm, but I can’t say there is a warm, fuzzy feeling deep in my heart for them either.  

Catch my drift?  Do you ever find yourself more kind to the kindhearted?  More accepting of those who are lovable?  More merciful to the less-fortunate than you are to those who blatantly drove head first into a sea of really bad choices? 

When was the last time you wept for the wavering politician?  The evil murderer?  The lonely prostitute?  The gang member?  The abusive spouse?  The child molester? Or the high-class, rich executive who squandered the investments of many?

Even THESE were created in His image.  For even THESE the plan of God is good.  He longs to have a relationship with even THESE.  Will hate, separation, and judgement lead them to repentance?  How can we make a difference in their lives?  

This year I choose to view every human being as a creative masterpiece of God. My heart is changed, judgements washed clean.  In 2014, I resolve to see all as equal in the eyes of the Lord and I consciously choose to care!  How will you make a difference? 

Matthew 5:43-48

Posted by: Jeneen AT 02:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, January 01 2014


Happy New Year 2014

I must say that 2013 was the very best year of my life and an amazing time to be a part of God's Kingdom.

I was talking to the Lord a few weeks ago and I said, "Lord, you're NOT  the Best thing to ever happen to me.  You ARE me.  Without Your Spirit living on the inside of me I do not even exist!  You are true life and every joy in my world."

 As we begin our first day of 2014, I want to strongly encourage each of you to discover an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  If you already walk daily with the Lord then let's take it up a notch this year.  I am personally seeking His face to go to a brand new level of power, passion, and prosperity.  

On the other hand, if you have never tried a life with Christ before now, I Double-Dog dare you!  Every human being is made up of soul, spirit, and body.  You will never experience a FULL life until you allow the precious Holy Spirit to dwell within your own personal spirit.  His love and power will transform you and your atmosphere.  

Thank you to everyone who gave of themselves in 2013 to help us take the truth of Christ around the world and impact lives.  2014 is declared a year of double portion.  Together, we will do great and mighty things in the earth.  May you obey God in all things and may 2014 be the year you have waited your whole life for.

Blessings and Grace,


Posted by: Jeneen AT 12:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, December 18 2013

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that “worketh in us”....

Unto Him, be all glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.  Amen!”

Ephesians 3:20-21

I have learned that any good thing we do is actually the empowerment and grace of the Holy Spirit at work “in us.”  I sat with Eric and Mendy Anderson of Mission 615 in late October and listened as they shared their vision of blessing all the inner-city kids and the homeless men and women they minister to on a weekly basis with a gift for Christmas.  To some, it seemed like an unlikely plan, seeing that it was already the end of October, leaving only about six weeks to raise the money needed for the project.  Immediately, we shared their vision and climbed on board.

On November 4, we petitioned our partners of Repairing the Breach Ministries for generous contributions to meet the goal.  It is amazing as we read the verse above, often we are made to believe that it is JESUS Himself who is going to meet these goals exceeding and abundantly above all that we have asked Him for, but the truth is we are Christ’s ambassadors, His representatives throughout this earth.  Goals are met, the work of His kingdom goes forward through you and me as we obediently yield to that still small voice within our spirits.  Yes, God sees every need and the Holy Spirit empowers the need to be met, but understand that GOD chooses to use people!

I am joyful to announce that the budget for “OPERATION CHRISTMAS” was met and the unlikely vision in October became likely on December 14th because of your obedience and generosity!  On behalf of those who do not have a platform to say Thank you, I want to commend you!  I believe the Lord smiled as the true spirit of Christmas was kept alive in the giving of gifts.  To all who generously gave, may you reap a hundredfold return on your investment, coupled with peace, joy, health and true prosperity.

Merry Christmas from the staff of Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc.

We love you and wish you a fulfilling 2014

Posted by: Jeneen AT 11:25 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 04 2013


Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc. is excited to announce our Christmas Project for 2013.  We are honored to partner with our friends at Mission 615 in Nashville, TN, to be a blessing in the lives of nearly 200 inner city children and 200 homeless men and women this Christmas.


Our plan is to purchase a $25 gift for each child and a $25 backpack filled with necessary items for the men and women.  As you can see, the cost of this project is $10,000, but together with faithful, generous people like you we can make the season brighter for those less fortunate.


Remember, RTBM is a 501 (c)3  organization and all donations are tax-deductible.  We celebrate Christmas because God GAVE His only son so that you and I may have eternal life.  Won't you step out this holiday season beyond the needs and desires of your own family and BECOME the meaning of Christmas to someone else this year...BECOME A GIVER.


Contributions can be given by DECEMBER 7th simply by using our secure DONATE button located at the top of this page

or by mail at :


PO BOX 775

Mansfield, TEXAS 76063

Posted by: Jeneen AT 08:01 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 31 2013

Living For the Applause




To quote the latest lyrics by Lady Gaga,


 “I live for the applause, applause, applause 

 I live for the applause-plause

 Live for the applause-plause 

Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me

the applause, applause, applause. ”




Yes, it is true.  This is only a song, but as I listened I couldn’t help but realize just how true these words are for all of us at times.  I dare to say that everyone suffers from “approval addiction” at some point in their lives.  Sadly, for some, it is an every day disease, eating LIFE right out of you.


Our minds are programmed by the definition of the American Dream long before we are able to comprehend the messages.  At one time the American Dream was defined as a hard working man or woman, who married his/her helpmate for life and together forged their own little piece of happiness, complete with a couple of kids, a house, a family vehicle and a dog named Lassie!


Nowadays, the definition of the American Dream vies for every ounce of our time, energy, attention, and perfection.  We are programmed to impress and driven by the applause of man - all at the expense of true fulfillment, joy, health, peace, and purpose. 




Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “What am I doing?”




Instead of spending a lifetime as a people-pleaser, clothed by the standards of this world, why don’t you take that U-turn ahead and dare to become a God-pleaser? You were created with unique purpose.  The most important dream of all is to discover that purpose and spend a lifetime fulfilling it, bringing glory, honor, and praise to your Creator.


We are His ambassadors, His living representatives in the earth. Everything we do, speak, or think is designed to represent and point to His love, mercy and goodness for those in our spheres of influence. This includes your spouse, children, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers in the places you frequent.  


What message is your life delivering? Remember, the applause of man may stroke your ego for a moment, but that is it’s only reward.  There is a greater, eternal applause to be desired. May we each live our lives in such a way that in the end we might suffer no regret and joyfully enter our rest hearing these words,



“Well done, thy good and faithful servant.”

Posted by: Jeneen AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email

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