Faith is the key element of Christian Living.
Ephesians 2:8 tells us…”By grace you have been saved through faith.”
Galatians 3:26 says… “For you are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 5:1 declares… “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 3:22 confirms… “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ unto all and upon all who believe.”
Our entire salvation experience is wrought by FAITH!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Therefore, faith is the firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
So, I ask you today, have you at any time seen Jesus Christ? Did you witness His atoning death on the cross as proof for your belief? Were you present when He arose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father?
No! We receive Jesus and these acts by faith.
So, IF we possess adequate faith for salvation why do we find it difficult or next to impossible to exhibit faith on a daily basis - trusting God to meet our needs and offer direction for our lives?
I have discovered that faith for daily living is rooted in intimacy with God. Intimacy is a product of quality time spent alone with another. True intimacy is not developed quickly. It is acquired through prolonged association. Intimacy will eventually breed trust and I have learned that whatever people trust, they will also have faith in.
My husband, Steve and I have been married twenty-four years this year. In our twenty-four years of intimacy and taking time to really get to know and understand each other, I have discovered exactly what he desires; his likes and dislikes. He has proven to be faithful to me in all of his ways. I can believe what he says. I can trust him to do what he says he is going to do. I have faith in Steve.
Equally as important, Steve has also learned to trust me. He has discovered that I am for him and not against him and that I long to be good to him all the days of my life. He has developed a keen sense of what I like and dislike and not only has he discovered my desires, but lives to fulfill them. Steve has faith in me.
My intimacy with God is much like my relationship with Steve. I know God intimately through His Word. I am acquainted with His heartbeat,His pleasures and dislikes. I have discovered what He thinks of me and that His plan for me is good. He exists to bless ME with all goodness and fulfill His Word through MY life. He is closely acquainted with my desires because He gave me those desires first. The God of the universe has proven to be faithful to me personally.
Intimacy with God has produced a trust and a confidence that allows me to take Him at His Word. This trust provides the faith I need to read the Bible and accept God’s Word as provision for MY journey.
People are always saying to me, “Jeneen, I just wish I had more faith!”
And I say to that - spend daily, quality time with God. Become intimately acquainted with Him. Discover who He really is and who He longs to be in your life on a personal level. Soon, that intimacy will produce a faith that allows you to believe that God is for you - not against you - and that all of His promises belong to YOU personally.