As promised, the story from last week continues…
I mentioned to you that in the early part of 2010, God required Steve and I to sell the beautiful dream home we had been allowed to build, complete with two-thirds of it’s possessions and transfer to Dallas, Texas. At first, this was not an easy thing on my flesh! I loved our home. Everywhere you glanced was the character unique to “Kohler” style. We had spent twenty years accumulating furniture that we loved. Everything was just perfect and exactly how we liked it!
Our home was filled with family, friends and ministry 24/7. We had what others refer to as an open, revolving door. I can count on one hand the number of other houses our children spent the night at while growing up because our house was “the house.”
When the time came to sell, a part of me broke as I began to wonder if we would EVER again have another home we loved as much as this one? Fear spoke trying to abort the instruction of God, “If you sell all your furniture you’ll never acquire this many nice things EVER again.” But, I heard the voice of my God saying, “If you don’t step out and cross this river, you will never receive what I have for you on the other side.”
CHANGE…the forbidden word!!!!!
Most cringe at the mere thought of it. Others are praying for it, if it occurs on their own terms of course. But, through the years change has developed a predominant reputation for inconveniencing lives as well as our own self-made schedules and plans. Few desire change and even when we are FORCED to change, we resist the process and unwillingly endure under a load of stress, anxiety and the desire for what “once was.” Change is rarely ever welcomed or truly embraced.
However, God has given me a fresh revelation regarding change. I now view it as the prerequisite to possessing one's Promised Land. So often, we pray and ask God to take us to higher ground and lead us to the life HE destined for us. All the while, we limit His plans through our inability to trust and embrace change. Only when we can truly surrender EVERYTHING to Him will we find ourselves exactly where He desires us to be...The Blessed place...The place He created that is perfect for YOUR gifts, desires, and abilities. I sit some days and meditate on all the wonderful experiences I would have missed in my life had I chosen not to trust Him! I want all that He has for me and I now realize that requires embracing change when it comes calling.
Life is very different for me these days. How refreshing it is! I absolutely LOVE Texas and the Jeneen I was two years ago no longer exists. As God promised, ALL THINGS have become new. I have been filled with an exciting new approach to ministry, fresh revelation, new compassions, and growth I could have never acquired any other way AND I am thrilled to report that God has once again given us the most beautiful, well-suited home. It is unlike anything we have previously ever desired in a home (even THAT changed) and it is perfect for this season of our lives. We moved in exactly two years from the very weekend we made our transfer to Texas! God is such a God of Timing! After not having our own home and renting for two years, I now walk around in daily amazement at the goodness of God. (Well, I at least had one week to walk around in it!) That “timing of God” is sending me to South Africa only one week after getting settled into our new home. I guess I can look forward to decorating once I return…HaHa. Ministry is calling and I joyfully accept.
Remember this: Change will reveal where you have truly placed your trust. Is it in the material possessions you’ve worked so many years to acquire? Is it in money? Or is it merely in the comfort zone you’ve created for yourself that you’re not willing to step outside of?
What change is God requiring of YOU today?
My prayer is that you will not view it with reluctance, but with joy. Knowing that God will never ask you to make a change if He does not have blessing, spiritual growth and promotion in mind! If you want these, you MUST walk the winding path of change. For on the other side is the Blessed Place God has been trying to get you to. I love all of you with His great love…