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Wednesday, March 20 2013
Don't Allow Your Mind To Trick You

Everywhere I go, I encounter people who suffer due to a defeated mindset.  In helping a friend today to better understand the process of a renewed mind, I also felt led to communicate this truth with my readers...

First of all, let me say this:
Your Soul is your Mind, your Will and your Emotions.
Your Spirit is the place within each of us where the Holy Spirit comes to dwell "when" we have surrendered our lives to Christ as Lord.  Once the Spirit dwells within us, we are fully able to communicate with GOD.  That is why the Bible says:  GOD IS A SPIRIT and THOSE WHO WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. - John 4:24
The only way to communicate with God is through our Spirit...Spirit to Spirit!
Contrary to what you may have been taught, unbelievers do not have a communication line to God. They may pray or beg a lot, but the only line to God comes through our acceptance of His son.  The Bible says, "For we know that God hears Not sinners, but if ANY MAN be a worshipper of God and in His will then God hears him." - John 9:31  

Once you become saved, there is a constant battle between your soul (mind, will and emotions) and your spirit (the place within you where the Holy Spirit resides and the only part of man which can truly communicate with God)
In order to renew the mind, you MUST educate and enlarge your spirit with the truths of the Word of God and then bring your soul (mind, will and emotions) into agreement with your spirit!
The first passage God taught me on this was 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.
It is a very powerful scripture.  Take the time today to read it in many different translations if you are able.  Understand that WHEN you get saved, it is your Spirit that gets born again, but your mind, will and emotions may remain the same.  We must grow in knowledge and train our mind, will and emotions to submit to truth!

This may or may not be foreign to you, but it has transformed my life.  God allows me to travel and teach this everywhere I go.  Every time, people are set free!  When we get saved, we are taught from 2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature!  Old things have passed away.  Behold ALL things have become new."
I encountered in my own life that after I got saved, I still had a bad attitude, bad thoughts, and some habits that were not pleasing to God.  I began to ask, "What is wrong with me?  Why can't I just be good?  I thought ALL things were going to be new once I gave my life to Christ?" Everywhere I minister, I encounter people who feel this same way and when this erroneous thought is not dealt with, it often leads people to believe, "Well, I guess I was never really saved."
When you get saved, your SPIRIT is born again and you are filled with ALL power and POTENTIAL to change!  But WE must grow in knowledge and self-discipline!  That is why the Apostle Paul said, "I DIE DAILY."  
Which brings me to the last Scripture I want to share with you for NOW...
Romans 12:1-2  Read this passage in several translations and study it thoroughly.
Paul was speaking to the CHRISTIANS in Rome.  These people had already given their lives to Christ, but were still experiencing problems with being carnal or "fleshly".
Paul said, I beg you to present your BODIES as living sacrifices unto God and to renew your minds!!!!!!
The phrase "living-sacrifice" is quite the oxymoron because what it is saying is - God wants you to be alive in Christ, but dead in you!  Become alive in Christ and His truths and allow yourself (your erroneous thoughts, your will, your ways to DIE!)

Paul begged the believers to do so because it is vital to victorious living!
I will leave you with one more of my all-time favorites - Proverbs 23:7 "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he!"  Whatever you believe about yourself is what you shall become.  That is why it is imperative to believe healthy thoughts about yourself and to align your thoughts with God's Truth.

I purposely did not write out every scripture reference for you today because it is crucial that you get into the Word and allow the Spirit to give you revelation relevant to your circumstances.  I pray that you will find a renewed hunger and thirst for truth.

Blessings Always,
Posted by: Jeneen AT 11:01 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
What a refreshing word from the WORD for me today! I thank God for you and your teachings of Truth, janeen. You inspire me to read more and to BE MORE through Christ.
Posted by DJ on 03/20/2013 - 01:05 PM
DJ - God will continue to enlighten you through His Word because you have a teachable spirit.
Posted by Jeneen on 03/20/2013 - 02:45 PM
Wow Great Word!! Brought me back 2 an old word I heard a pastor preach God makes u right not bright! A renewed mind is key 2 victorious living, change u mindset change ur outcome! Jensen ur always on time!! God Bless Jack Newton
Posted by Jack Newton on 03/20/2013 - 10:37 PM

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