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Monday, September 10 2012
Joyous Marriage

Today marks 24 years of marriage to my high school sweetheart,Steve.  "Happy Anniversary, My Love". As I pondered the past 24 years together, I felt led to record a few of the strengths the Holy Spirit has taught me which have afforded us a long, joyous, heartfelt, intimate relationship.


First of all, I must admit...our wedding was not a joyous, fairytale occasion that every girl dreams of.  Our wedding was the direct result of me getting pregnant at the tender age of 17.  My mother was a complete unhappy basket case at our wedding, realizing that all the hopes and dreams she had for her little girl had swiftly been swept away without a warning!  Most people gathered for the “celebration” (and I use that word loosely) making bets on just how long our marriage would last.  Few experience true love and commitment at the age of 17, so the odds were certainly stacked against us.


Steve had just finished his senior year of high school and turned 18 twenty-six days before we said “I Do”.  I, on the other hand, was still in school just beginning my senior year.  We had nothing to our name.  My parents purchased a new home complete with an apartment where we were welcomed to reside.  Steve worked at Sign Craft during the day, making $5.00/hour and pulled a second job in the evenings at the Donelson YMCA.  Mainly, his duties consisted of playing basketball all evening with the other members.  Neither of us ever went to college...


The first year we were married we made a commitment to serve Jesus Christ with all our beings.  From that day forward, we have been on a beautiful journey “together” of the good and bad, the difficult and the easy, the painful and the glorious, the joyous and the sad, and the highs and the lows.  We have weathered many storms.  We have overcome the odds and when asked by others about our life and relationship we like to say:



We owe everything that we are and everything that we have to our Father above, to our Savior Jesus Christ, and to our precious teacher, the Holy Spirit!  


Ladies, I hope you recognize today that YOU are your husband’s helper.  As wives, this is our main duty.  Aside from God, Steve is first in my life.  I arise every morning with him in mind.  I drop everything to fulfill a task or an errand he needs performed.  His phone call gets answered above all others.  His needs come before my very own.  So many wives have this backwards!  Usually, the unbalance comes with the children.  Many wives place their children before their husbands.  Marriage does not consist of YOU, YOUR HUSBAND, and THE CHILDREN!  Marriage is a covenant and a commitment of promise between a man and a woman.  The children are an added gift to be enjoyed together.  Placing precedence on Steve has undoubtedly contributed to the happiness of our home.  Now, being empty-nesters, we still have a beautiful, fulfilling relationship that was not centered around our children, but around our commitment to the Lord and to each other!  It is lasting and true.

I have created a home for Steve that he likes to refer to as his Refuge!  After a long hard day of work and the chaos of the world, he can relax and retreat to a clean, comfortable happy place called home! He doesn't return to an atmosphere of bickering and controversy.  He is welcomed every day from work with a kiss.  Whatever our evenings hold, we are together.  I can testify that in 24 years of marriage, there has never been one day that my husband has gotten off from work and desired to go any place else but home!

Respect and honor have been key in our relationship.  Every day prayers are prayed specifically for my husband.  I am his greatest fan...His number one supporter!  He looks to me for edification as well as approval.  I remind him of who he is in Christ.  I compel him to dream and reach for the impossible.  We laugh. We take time to Love. We share. We trust. We communicate!  We enjoy the fruits of our labor together.  We are true partners.  When I succeed He succeeds.  When He succeeds then I succeed!  


Proverbs 31:11-12 declares - 

“The heart of her husband safely trusts in her and she GREATLY enriches his life!  She will do her husband good and not evil all the days of her life!”


Friends and fellow wives, this is the beautiful role we have been given by the Lord.  YOU have the power to change the atmosphere of YOUR home and marriage!  I pray that each and every one of you will renew your commitment to your husband this very day and vow to be his helpmate.  Allow the order and blessing of the Lord to fill your relationship.  Enjoy every single day you have been given together.   Do not settle for the mundane and routine.  Relight the fire and passion. Cherish growing old together and  may God richly bless your marriage!





Posted by: Jeneen AT 02:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  4 Comments  |  Email
Monday, August 27 2012



God has chosen a place of SOLITUDE for me during this season.  Let’s face it... being alone for short periods of time has proven to be therapeutic.  It’s when God calls you to THIS place that you begin to question your importance to society.  


Solitude seems to have a way of drawing us into a place of unhealthy comparison with others.  Our culture has placed high importance on individuals who seem to be BUSY all the time.  Unfortunately, as a result, we have learned to measure our value according to how many appointments we have in our many people need many invitations we receive to the parties, etc.


Recently, I have been challenged to see the beauty and necessity of this place called Solitude.  God has revealed to me the great value of this place.  Every great leader in the Bible was placed in a season of Solitude and from THIS PLACE came their greatest victories!


The apostle Paul was forced from the missionary work that he loved so well and thrust into prison.  With a joyous and overcoming mindset, he penned the  books of Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians.  Moses was taken from his great place of stature and influence to the back side of the desert for 40 years.  It was there that he gained the knowledge and obedience to perform the greatest task of his life - delivering the children of Israel.  John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos - far away from everyone he knew.  Abandoned and alone, he received the greatest vision of his entire life.  A vision of great hope read by millions of people even to this day!  


I want to challenge YOU today...if God has chosen a place of Solitude for you during this season, STOP!  Change your view of this previously dreaded place and unwrap it’s beauty.  Take the time to discover God in a new and fresh way.  Heed and ponder the refreshing mentality and new found direction the Holy Spirit desires to unleash upon you.  Solitude is necessary and one of the most important places you will ever visit.  For if you allow it, it prepares you for the greatest seasons of victory in life.


“In the morning, rising up a great while before day, He(Jesus) went out and departed into a solitary place, and there He prayed.”


Blessings to YOU,


Posted by: Jeneen AT 11:52 am   |  Permalink   |  8 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 15 2012

The Opportunity For YOU To Get Involved



God has been urging me all the more to VALUE people!  ALL PEOPLE!


Let’s face it, we each possess compassions, but then there are those areas within each of us where our judgements seem to get in the way.  Sometimes, we view others as too far gone to warrant our help, or too far away to capture our attention. Then, there are those that we place in the “they don’t deserve it” column.


Recently, God has been allowing me to actually see others as HE sees them, feeling their hurts, insecurities, and longings.  Everywhere I go, my focus is drawn to those around me.


Repairing the Breach Ministries, Inc.(RTBM) is proud to partner with South African Evangelistic Missions(SAEM) for over two years now.  My trusted friend and head moderator for SAEM, Tyrone Paul, has graciously brought my attention to a need in Umbambulu.  Pastor Lucky Langa and his wife are currently fulfilling the mandate of God to house, love, and care for 27 deformed and unwanted children.  Pastor Langa traveled to Prince Mashen Hospital to claim the children, who are made up of true orphans(children with deceased parents) and children simply UNWANTED by their natural birth parents due to their deformities.  This loving pastor and his wife have surrounded their own personal bed with every child to ensure a sense of love, acceptance and protection to each.


The budget to care for these beautiful children each month is around $1300.00 US dollars.  RTBM, Inc. WILL answer the call to support this endeavor.  However, we can do exceedingly more together than I could ever do alone.  I am also extending this blessed opportunity to YOU.


To those interested, you can send a tax-deductible, charitable donation to:


P.O. Box 775

Mansfield, Texas  76063 

Every cent designated for this project will go directly to support this cause.  




I thank you and bless you in advance for your willingness and compassion to stop and value others.  Listed below are pictures of a few of the children.




Posted by: Jeneen AT 02:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, August 06 2012
 The Spirit of Offense - Part 2



We have no control over what someone else does TO us, but we DO have control over whether or not we are going to allow their offense to trap us and keep us from the destiny God designed for our lives.


When we choose to “take offense” we accept the bait that Satan strategically places before us and we walk directly into his trap!  His trap is always hidden and disguised.


As we “take offense” we focus so much on what has been done to us, on the hurt and anger and the constant replaying of the offense that we do not even realize the trap of bitterness, self-pity, and unforgiveness we walk in.


You may say, “In what ways am I trapped?”



#1 - The trap of offense will keep you from spiritual growth and service.


Just like a trapped animal in an iron cage, an offended person lives and moves, but he/she is unable to make advances toward accomplishing God’s unique plan and purpose for their life.  As prisoners, we become emotionally joy, peace, and confidence for anger, bitterness, and a critical spirit.


Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above everything else, Guard your heart.  For out of “it” flows the issues of life.”  As you well know, our emotions control our actions.  If satan can keep you trapped emotionally, he can then keep you from advancing physically and spiritually.



#2 - Trapped people build thick walls!


Proverbs 18:19 says, “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.”


This verse tells us that it is easier to conquer an entire walled city than it is to make amends with an offended brother or sister in Christ because their walls are fortified with contentious arguments:


                                    > I have a right to be mad!

                                    > You have no idea what I’ve been through

                                    > When you go through what I’ve been through then we can talk!

                                    > They ruined my life!

                                   > No one will ever hurt me again!  “I” will make sure of that!


Behind these thick walls facts are skewed, information is twisted, and reality is often ignored.  ONLY THOSE who can be trusted to agree with and justify their arguments are trusted inside these walls. 



#3 - Trapped people are blind!


1 John 2:11 says, “He that hates his brother walks in darkness and has no idea where he is going because that darkness has blinded him.”


Behind these fortified walls, truth is not welcome!  The absence of truth brings darkness. Somehow, we are clearly able to see the offenses, faults, and failures of others, but become blind to our very own glaring faults. Offended and trapped people develop extremely critical spirits and soon begin to engage themselves in anger, strife, gossip, and the sowing of seeds of discord.


Blindness keeps us from recognizing the sea of bitterness and unforgiveness that has so engulfed us and separated us from the presence of God.  It is true, my friend, unrepented sin does separate us from God.



#4 - Trapped and Offended people are often idolatrous!


Now, you may be thinking this is a bit harsh, but listen.  A few years back in one of my counseling sessions for a married couple I had a husband say this about his wife: “She cannot remember where she put her keys five minutes ago, but she can recall every detail of an offense committed against her 25 years ago!”  Wow, that really opened my eyes!  And God showed me this...When people allow their painful past resentment and bitterness to replace their present affection and devotion to God, then their state of offense becomes an IDOL!!!


One woman, who was grossly betrayed by her husband was asked, “What would you like to see done to your husband?  To which, she replied, “hell will do!”


Often we cannot or simply will not trust God to take care of our offender as He deems necessary.  Vengeance means more to us than trusting God!  We want our offender to pay and we want them to pay now, according to our terms!


“When the offense means more to you than restoration, it has become an idol in your life!”



In the past weeks, my family has suffered great physical damage at the hands of an unstable, angry soul.  We had every right and every means to seek revenge and cause this person life-altering consequences.  After calming down and praying heavily we decided to leave this war to our God! Not only that, but the precious Holy Spirit has even given me the desire to pray for this person.  I trust God to restore to my family what has been taken.


In closing, Romans 12:18 commands us, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."  This is the road we chose and therefore our joy,peace, and favor remain.  Take time this week to clean out the closet of your soul.  Get rid of old offenses that weigh you down and trap you.  Be free!  I say - "Be free to live, love and serve joyfully."

Blessings In Him, 

Posted by: Jeneen AT 12:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, July 24 2012
Spirit of Offense

Is it just me or have you also noticed how easily offended everyone seems to be lately?


I encounter offended people everywhere I go: in my daily routine of business, at church, on the news coverage, even in family.  The spirit is demonstrated through the countenance of faces I meet, through the words I hear spoken and the actions displayed.  Fifty-three percent of marriages are being torn apart.  Long-time friendships are tossed away.  Family members haven’t spoken in years.  Churches are divided and seeds of discord are continually sown among the brethren!

I am only forty-one years old, but I must confess that the spirit of offense seems to be at an all-time high in my lifetime.  I went to the Lord about my concerns and He led me to Matthew 24: 3-14.


“And as HE sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to HIM privately asking, ‘Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?’

And Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you.  For many shall come in MY name saying I am the Christ; and shall deceive many.  And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you be not troubled.  For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in different places.  All these things are the beginning of sorrows.  Then, they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you; you shall be hated of all nations for MY name’s sake.  And many shall be OFFENDED, and shall betray one another and shall hate one another!   And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.  Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.  But, he that shall endure to the end shall be saved and this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.  THEN, the end shall come.”


This caliber of offense being demonstrated in our world today is surely a sign of Christ’s return.  Notice that the scripture does not say, “many shall OFFEND”, but “many shall be OFFENDED.”    You see, there is a huge difference.  The word “offend” is a verb meaning to ‘transgress morally or lawfully causing hurt, difficulty, resentment or pain.'  Jesus said in Luke 17:1 that it is IMPOSSIBLE that offenses will not come.  


It is true that people often offend with motive, but then there are times that we offend without even knowing it.  Example being - I could say something that was never meant to be offensive, but someone might still be offended.  My choice of outfit might offend someone.  My personality might be offensive in some way to another person.  We all have the capacity to offend just simply by being WHO WE ARE!  Jesus was an absolute perfect man, but many were offended by Him.  Offenses will always come.  We are never going to be able to stop nor control them.  However, there is something you and I CAN control and that is the choice whether or not to take offense or be “offended” by anyone or anything.  To be “offended” one must accept “offense”.  There was a time in my life when I accepted offense.  I can honestly say there were people who purposely chose to offend me and I could use the excuse that I had the "right" to be offended, but Jesus began to show me that I wasn’t hurting anyone but myself.


The word “offense” is a noun.  Therefore, it is something we can take hold of.  John Bevere states in his book, The Bait of Satan, that the word “offense” comes from the Greek word “scandalon” which literally means “the bait used to trap a wild animal”.  Offenses come to trap us!  They trap us with hurts, pains and sore attitudes which eventually steal our joy and hinder our relationships with God and others.  The trap of offense will isolate you, alienate you from fellowship and strip you of your purpose.


What offense has left you alienated, stripped of purpose and left for dead?  Is it an offense against someone else?  Maybe it is even that you are offended with yourself?  Perhaps your own choices have left you defeated and feeling like a failure, causing you to actually be offended at YOU.  Lastly, could you admit today that you just might even be offended at God?  Do you feel that HE has somehow let you down or disappointed you in this life?  


What I want to get across to you today is this:  the offense you are harboring is a trap!  It is not hurting anyone else but YOU.  Galatians 5:7-8 says, “You were running so well.  WHO hindered you from obeying the truth?  This persuasion does not come from Him who called you.”  This spirit of offense has come to kill, steal, and destroy you.  It is hindering your progress and suppressing your joy in life.  Choose this day to be free of offense.  Choose this day to forgive...Forgive others!  Forgive yourself!  And ask God to forgive you for the bad attitude you’ve harbored against Him.


Slowly begin to speak these verses of scripture over your life:


“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.  Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit.”   Psalm 51:10-12


May His Richest Blessings Rest Upon You,

Posted by: Jeneen AT 04:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, July 03 2012
Powerful Troubles

I somehow seem to be drawn to the troubles surrounding Christians!  You may be experiencing trials of various kinds in your own life right now.  There always seems to be some form of trouble lurking in the Kohler household and most of the time I am really good at seeing it for what it is and overcoming it by remaining focused on God’s Word and His truth about my family.  


Recently however, trouble seemingly came from every side!  One particular day I found myself questioning whether or not the Kohler family was even a “Christian” family anymore.  Has the enemy of your soul ever fired a dart through your mind like that?   Negative thoughts penetrated my mind until I snapped out of it through a much needed phone call from a faithful friend who knows us well...haha.


The consensus in the church for years has been: “If you are a powerful Christian, then you should be spared from conflict or trial.”  Satan wants us to believe that we are experiencing trouble because our lives are not pleasing to God.  I understand that is a legitimate cause for trouble at times because disobedience DOES have it’s consequences, but I am speaking to the woman or man of God today who feels like you have faithfully followed God and you are STILL surrounded by much trouble.  


In my study time alone with God today I came across this passage of scripture once again that was written to us by the Apostle Paul:


"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed.  We are perplexed, yet not in despair; persecuted, but NOT forsaken.  Cast down, but not destroyed.  Through this suffering, our bodies are “constantly” sharing in the death of Jesus so that the LIFE of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.”  
2 Corinthians 4:8-10


God granted me new revelation concerning verse 10.  As powerful Christians, we will always be surrounded by trials and sufferings. I now realize that it is the existence of “TROUBLE” that can actually distinguish the POWERFUL from the POWERLESS.  By “overcoming” the trials that others witness us going through, the overcoming power of Jesus is made manifest in our lives unto the world. We should never again ask God why this trouble has come to our household, but rather, ask Him for the wisdom and perseverance to stand and victoriously overcome so that the Power of Jesus can precisely be represented to this lost world! 


If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, the question is not “Will trouble come because it is sure to.”  The question is: “Will you allow your troubles to be a definition of Christ’s overcoming power at work here in the earth?”

I have confidence in you!




Posted by: Jeneen AT 10:20 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, June 27 2012
Hard Times


Hard times are all around and the Christian family has not been excluded.  Many are living through the most difficult time they have truly ever experienced.  Sin waxes worse and worse.  The financial realm has produced seemingly unbearable stress, as Christian families try to wade through this economic drought.  Maybe you have suffered the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of your home, the loss of your partner or spouse, or have watched as your wayward child follows a path of his own.  You may even feel justified to cry out in desperation, “What’s the use of serving God?  What have we gained by obeying His commands?” as recorded in Malachi 3:14.



For a time, it may appear that the heathen is even more blessed than you, a faithful man or woman of God.  Malachi 3:15 says, “From now on we will say, ‘Blessed are the arrogant; for those who do evil get rich and those who dare God to punish them go free.”  As we glance around this world, everything doesn’t appear just and fair.  Those who have worked so diligently, served so faithfully, and lived a life of humility are finding themselves “seemingly” living beneath the glamour of the riches and carefree life of the heathen.


But, hold on my friend!  Your day is coming!  The day of the heathen will fade as quickly as it arrived, but the life of the faithful will live throughout eternity.  The wisdom of Proverbs tells us, “Above everything else, Guard your heart! For out of it, flows your entire life.  Look straight ahead!  Fix your eyes on what lies ahead(the plan God has destined for your life) and mark out a straight path before you!  Stick to this path, do not get side-tracked.  Keep your feet from following evil. (Proverbs 4:23,26,27)


There is coming a day where justice shall be perfected.  The last part of Malachi chapter 3 is my favorite:  Verse 16-18 says, “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another and the Lord listened to what they said.  In His presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared Him and loved to think about Him!  And the Lord replied, These shall be Mine!  On the day that I act, they will be my own special treasures.  I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.

Then, you will once again see the “distinction” between the righteous and the wicked, between those who love Me and those who do not!”


I encourage you today not to allow your faith to fail you.  Continue along the path of obedience and faithfulness as a Child of the Most High.  For the “Day of Distinction” is upon us and I assure you, it will ALL be worth it!



Posted by: Jeneen AT 02:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  7 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, June 17 2012
 Begin Again

Our lives have purpose!  From the moment we enter this earthly realm, flesh fights for dominance.  We see it in a new-born crying infant who screams for it’s own demands.  It is evident in a toddler who pitches a fit when his requests are simply denied.  In the life of a teenager, it can be described as rebellion, but the course of this battle does not cease as an adult until our lives are fully surrendered to God and His great plan.  Our flesh is the enemy of God...Romans 8:7.  For it continuously declares:  I WANT!!!!  On the other hand, surrender says on a daily basis: I GIVE!!!!  I give you my heart, Lord.  I give you my plans!  I give you my dreams!  I give you my mind complete with all of the thoughts, imaginations, and attitudes I have learned and created.  

In our quest to have our own way in life we can make quite a mess of things.  Often, we have allowed our flesh so much control that it may seem impossible to retract and begin again.  This is one of satan’s greatest delusions.  He wants you to believe that you have failed one too many times...that you have sinned too badly for God to ever forgive you or accept you again as one of His children.  Sometimes, we even feel so far off the path God desired for our life that we cannot see any way to ever walk that path successfully again.  The devil is banking on YOU believing that your road to forgiveness is too heavily paved with failure to ever be erased.

Proverbs 28:13 says, “People who cover their sins will not prosper! But, if they CONFESS and FORSAKE them, they will have mercy.”  In other words, if we deny that we even have a sin or failure issue and choose rather to cover up our lifestyle then we will never prosper.  However, to receive mercy (a second, third, fourth chance) from our Father, all that is required is that we ACKNOWLEDGE our sin and shortcomings and RUN from them!  God requires us to OWN OUR FAILURES and stop making excuses for them.  Two of the strongest spirits at work in the earth today are “the spirit of entitlement and the spirit of blame”.  Everyone feels entitled to the blessed life when they have made few choices to acquire it.  If we can just blame the consequences of our choices on everyone and everything else then we are free to feel justified.  My friend, this is a trap!

Look deep into your own life today.  Accept the advice of Proverbs.  Confess your own sins to God and forsake the road you have traveled.  A blessed and fulfilled life is waiting out there for you!  Stop trying to figure your entire future out TODAY!  The road to happiness is not paved with huge leaps, but with small, consistent and deliberate steps.  Jesus himself even said, “Whoever desires to follow Me must DENY himself and take up his cross DAILY.” (Luke 9:23)



Posted by: Jeneen AT 11:47 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Saturday, May 26 2012

 South Africa Update

Two years ago, the Lord knitted my heart to the great country of South Africa.  Now, I have an entire family with hearts afire for these precious people.  It is difficult to describe the impact a trip like this makes on your life.  It is truly an adventure you must experience for yourself to understand.  The message I tried so hard to convey once I returned in 2010...Alyse, Bryce, and Nana now "get it." As we left South Africa and our wonderful friends on Tuesday, we left in tears! 

The journey was LOOOOONNNGGGGG!  Our days were FUUUUULLLLL!  Our trip was blessed beyond measure! Thanks to everyone who supported us in prayer.

It was winter there, but let me say that their winters are extremely mild.  The days were sunny and 70's, which made for pleasant ministry conditions.  Thanks to the selfless partners and friends of RTBM,Inc. we cooked and fed over 200 meals to the homeless of inner-city Durban and delivered week-long food packets to 100 families in nearby villages of Chatsworth and The Valley of a Thousand Hills. Our hearts were touched and changed by their living conditions and joyful countenance!  It was fulfilling to actually purchase, package, and deliver the goods to each home personally.  Many of the families invited us into their "homes" for special prayer. The message we shared with them came from Psalm 139 - "God is intimately acquainted with each of you and your needs because HE formed you in your mother's womb and knew you before you were ever born.  He loves you so much that HE even spoke to us, over 9000 miles away, to come and personally meet your needs."  We diligently portrayed the goodness of our Mighty God because Romans 4:2 says, "It is the goodness of God which leads man to repentance." People respond to your goodness before they respond to your message!

Much preparation went into the "WORD" God prepared for the people of South Africa and their hearts were ready to receive.  It always amazes me how we each have the power to change others simply through our own personal experiences and testimonies.  I shared with the women on several occasions all that God has so graciously taught me about Faith, the power of His Word, the Dominion Christ left within each of us and our call to become living sacrifices unto God through a renewed mind.  The message not only touched lives, but report after report came forth that these women will never be the same because there has been a shift in their mindsets.  Hallelujah! God always does exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask or think.  Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; It shall not return void, but it shall go forth and accomplish that thing which I sent it to accomplish." 

I thank God for allowing my children and mother to experience this trip with me.  Many lasting memories were made together.  Alyse and Bryce testify to the life-changing experience this trip has truly been for them.  It was a great honor to watch them minister so freely and comfortably to others. They each had several opportunities to address the multitudes and pray openly for specific needs.  I give all glory to God for the rich inheritance and firm foundation evident within them.  They belong to God and I release them for His work and will.  This will not be their last trip to South Africa if they have anything to do with it!

Nana did wonderful on the trip.  With the loss of Papa last year, this opportunity couldn't have come at a better time.  Physically, she was a trooper.  64 has nothing on this lady.  Her precious spirit warmed the hearts of everyone she met and before leaving she became "nana" to them as well.  I am grateful for the support she always gives to me and this ministry.  We work well together and much honor and love go out to my mother. 

I have attached a few of the 2000 pictures we took.  My family was amazed at the beauty of this country's landscape.  To fully grasp the experiences we were given, you can find many of our photos on my Facebook page under Jeneen Bullen Kohler.  Once I catch my breath I will also post several on the website.  Until next time, have a wonderfully, blessed week.  Be God's goodness to everyone you encounter!  I love you all...


Posted by: Jeneen AT 08:22 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, May 10 2012
 As promised, the story from last week continues…



I mentioned to you that in the early part of 2010, God required Steve and I to sell the beautiful dream home we had been allowed to build, complete with two-thirds of it’s possessions and transfer to Dallas, Texas.  At first, this was not an easy thing on my flesh!  I loved our home.  Everywhere you glanced was the character unique to “Kohler” style.  We had spent twenty years accumulating furniture that we loved.  Everything was just perfect and exactly how we liked it!  


Our home was filled with family, friends and ministry 24/7.  We had what others refer to as an open, revolving door.  I can count on one hand the number of other houses our children spent the night at while growing up because our house was “the house.” 


When the time came to sell, a part of me broke as I began to wonder if we would EVER again have another home we loved as much as this one?  Fear spoke trying to abort the instruction of God, “If you sell all your furniture you’ll never acquire this many nice things EVER again.”   But, I heard the voice of my God saying, “If you don’t step out and cross this river, you will never receive what I have for you on the other side.”


 CHANGE…the forbidden word!!!!!


 Most cringe at the mere thought of it.  Others are praying for it, if it occurs on their own terms of course.  But, through the years change has developed a predominant reputation for inconveniencing lives as well as our own self-made schedules and plans.   Few desire change and even when we are FORCED to change, we resist the process and unwillingly endure under a load of stress, anxiety and the desire for what “once was.”  Change is rarely ever welcomed or truly embraced.


However, God has given me a fresh revelation regarding change.  I now view it as the prerequisite to possessing one's Promised Land.  So often, we pray and ask God to take us to higher ground and lead us to the life HE destined for us.  All the while, we limit His plans through our inability to trust and embrace change.  Only when we can truly surrender EVERYTHING to Him will we find ourselves exactly where He desires us to be...The Blessed place...The place He created that is perfect for YOUR gifts, desires, and abilities.  I sit some days and meditate on all the wonderful experiences I would have missed in my life had I chosen not to trust Him!  I want all that He has for me and I now realize that requires embracing change when it comes calling.


Life is very different for me these days.  How refreshing it is!  I absolutely LOVE Texas and the Jeneen I was two years ago no longer exists.  As God promised, ALL THINGS have become new.  I have been filled with an exciting new approach to ministry, fresh revelation, new compassions, and growth I could have never acquired any other way AND I am thrilled to report that God has once again given us the most beautiful, well-suited home.  It is unlike anything we have previously ever desired in a home (even THAT changed) and it is perfect for this season of our lives.  We moved in exactly two years from the very weekend we made our transfer to Texas!  God is such a God of Timing!  After not having our own home and renting for two years, I now walk around in daily amazement at the goodness of God.  (Well, I at least had one week to walk around in it!)  That “timing of God” is sending me to South Africa only one week after getting settled into our new home.  I guess I can look forward to decorating once I return…HaHa.  Ministry is calling and I joyfully accept.


Remember this: Change will reveal where you have truly placed your trust.  Is it in the material possessions you’ve worked so many years to acquire?  Is it in money? Or is it merely in the comfort zone you’ve created for yourself that you’re not willing to step outside of? 


 What change is God requiring of YOU today?


My prayer is that you will not view it with reluctance, but with joy.  Knowing that God will never ask you to make a change if He does not have blessing, spiritual growth and promotion in mind!  If you want these, you MUST walk the winding path of change.  For on the other side is the Blessed Place God has been trying to get you to.  I love all of you with His great love…



Posted by: Jeneen AT 03:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email

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